Case study: Bistro Bisou and Shyfter, a real love story !

At Bistro Bisou, everything is homemade!

Since 2019, this small brasserie in Namur has been committed to offering generous cuisine, featuring homemade dishes made from local and artisanal products. A beautiful terrace, small Parisian-style tables and love on the plate – just open the door to this charming little restaurant and you won’t regret it!

Julien Moors, administrative director of Bistro Bisou and its little brother Café Fleuri, explains how Shyfter has been integrated into these two establishments.

Top-notch time management

At Bistro Bisou, staff work variable hours, and thanks to Shyfter, scheduling is much easier! Julien explains that this greatly facilitates team management: whatever the status of the staff, everything is integrated into Shyfter. In summer, Bistro Bisou employs no less than 50 people, so it doesn’t take long to work out the numbers – it’s a real time-saver!

We discovered Shyfter and went for it!

Time & attendance, child’s play

Bistro Bisou’s variable working hours mean that clocking in and out is not an option. It saves them having to calculate the hours worked by their staff, and above all, it avoids errors when it comes to paying for hours worked.

Thanks to Shyfter’s time and attendance system on tablet or smartphone, time and attendance records are accurately recorded and can be accessed at any time by both employee and employer. This enables the employee to check his or her working hours and remuneration. For their part, employers can keep track of each employee’s working hours and manage leave and recovery requests in real time.

In addition, Shyfter enables employers to define clocking-in rules and track overtime hours worked by their teams. This helps to ensure that working hours are properly recorded and that employees are paid accordingly

The hunt for contract signatures is over!

As Julien puts it, the fact that contracts can be signed onlinesaves an enormous amount of time“. In fact, Shyfter is available on mobile (IOS and Android) with our Shyfter Staff app for employees and employers.

The big advantage? As well as being able to manage your teams via your smartphone, you can also create your contracts directly on mobile and send them to your teams. Your teams receive a notification and simply have to sign their contract, also on their smartphone. No need to run to anyone else to print out an employment contract, get it signed, scanned, sent back, etc. What a time-saver!

For us, Shyfter is the centralization of all the tools we needed to facilitate the management of our establishments!

Logiciel de gestion planning

Les horaires de votre personnel changent tout le temps ?
Optez pour Shyfter et adaptez vos horaires facilement en fonction du rythme de votre activité.

Pointage et enregistrement du temps de travail

Faire du pointage au sein de votre entreprise avec le logiciel de gestion de planning Shyfter ? Rien de plus facile, en tant qu’employeur vous bénéficiez de nombreux avantages et le time management n’aura plus aucun secret pour vous ! 

Gestion des congés et absences

Vos employés ont des vacances de prévues ? Grâce à notre service de gestion et aux fonctionnalités de notre logiciel, les utilisateurs peuvent faire leurs demandes de congés directement via l’interface mobile

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