Leave management

A complete
leave management tool

Simplify your leave requests process

Your employees can make their leave requests directly via the mobile app.
The manager is notified and can approve, deny or defer the leave request.

Gestion des demandes de congés simplifiée grâce à Shyfter

Leave balance

Based on the schedule, the leave balance is updated in real time.
The detailed counters also allow your managers to have a detailed view of the different types of leave: legal, extra-legal, RTT, etc…

Aperçu du compteur de congés, par type de congés (congé légal,
leave counters

Leave, absence and overtime counters

Your staff has permanent and transparent access to their leave, absence and overtime counters directly on the mobile app.

All counters are updated in real time.

Absence and shift modification requests

In addition to leave requests, your staff can also make their absence or shift modification requests via the Shyfter Staff mobile app.
In case of sickness, employees can send their medical certificates on Shyfter as well.

demandes de congé
gestion absences congés

A tool designed for managers

Managers are notified of each new request. They are then guided to process them on a simple and intuitive interface.

To make it easier to schedule time off, Shyfter displays other absence requests and approved time off occurring in the same period. This prevents all your employees from being away at the same time.

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