Employee onboarding: a major challenge for companies in 2022

onboarding employés

Understanding how to create an effective onboarding plan for new employees can help you attract and retain top talent. Here are 7 steps to put the odds in your favor.

1. Send a welcome message

You can send a welcome message to new employees before they start their job. This can help them prepare and know what to expect on their first day, which can also save time in the onboarding process. A welcome message can contain, for example:

  • all documents to be completed, such as contracts and forms
  • location of the position, as well as the date and time of arrival
  • access to the employee web portal or time and attendance software
  • an agenda for their first day or week on the job
  • a list of documents they need to bring with them on their first day
  • instructions or directions on how to get to their new workplace

2. Prepare the work spaces 

Il est également utile de préparer à l’avance les espaces de travail des nouveaux embauchés. Par exemple, assurez-vous que leur téléphone fonctionne correctement ou que leur locker soit disponible. 

3. Give them a tour of the office

Set aside time to give your new hire a tour of their new work environment. This will allow them to see the layout of the office, warehouse, restaurant or other space where they will be working.

During the tour, be sure to introduce your new hires to other staff members. Introducing them to their co-workers will help them integrate into the company culture and build friendships. This is essential for a pleasant work environment. 

4. Arrange a meeting with the manager

It is important for the new employee to meet their new manager as soon as possible. The manager can give the new employee an overview of the team dynamics and introduce him/her to his/her colleagues in the team. The manager can also review the job description and expectations of the role, and help the employee set career goals. This is a great time for the new hire to ask any questions they may have. 

5. Introduce them to their workspace

Take your new employee to their workspace and help them get comfortable. Give them a key to the building, a parking pass or anything else they may need. Also help them set up any equipment they may have and give them instructions on how to use it. It is important to give him time to get used to his new work environment. his new equipment or a new mobile app. 

6. Provide ongoing basic support

New employees need support from the company to learn their role and adjust to the company culture. During their first week on the job, you can:

  • Check in with your new employee
  • Send him/her links to articles or useful documents to read
  • Create their profile on the company’s website or social media
  • Organize and schedule any necessary training sessions

7. Monitor the integration 

Regular monitoring (first week, first month, first quarter) allows you to ensure that the integration is going well and to correct any problems.


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